G5 survivors quest underground base
G5 survivors quest underground base

g5 survivors quest underground base

Bomb-Throwing Anarchists: While the Railroad aren't technically anarchists, they do have certain links to the stereotypical view of the anarchist movement from the perspective of the West, what with the Railroad being a highly segemented organization prone to issues involving Right Hand Versus Left Hand, them not having any real plan for the future after their bloody revolution succeeds, prioritizing the value and freedom of the individual above the group, and causing the whole Commonwealth to descend into chaos after they wipe out both the Brotherhood and Institute.Glory and others think of them as living beings, others like Desdemona don't want to touch the debate til the current issues are resolved. They do have a rift on whether to consider the earlier generations of Synths and other robots as people, like the Mr.As far as they're concerned, the Institute is a group of slavers and Synths are slaves. The Railroad doesn't believe the issue of Synths is a debatable one.Attack Its Weak Point: The Railroad does this to the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel, smacking them down hard if the Survivor sides with them.

g5 survivors quest underground base

Ascended Extra: They were originally mentioned as part of a Fallout 3 secondary questline, but naturally play a much larger role in Fallout 4.Androids Are People, Too: Their motivation in a nutshell.

g5 survivors quest underground base

It is unknown what happened to many of the remaining Institute personnel, including children, if they manage to evacuate their home. After making a peaceful escape plan for synths with an ally from inside the Institute, the Railroad instead secretly double-cross their ally and conspire for an armed revolt that results in the purging of many Institute scientists.

  • Activist-Fundamentalist Antics: The Railroad takes this trope up to eleven.

  • G5 survivors quest underground base